Posts in Announcements
The Past, Present, and Future of Shrimpy

Since our inception, it has been our mission at Shrimpy to be the easiest way for everyone to access safe & secure crypto services to grow your wealth. We are focused on creating products that are easy-to-use for both beginners and experts and designed to fit your unique crypto goals.

Shrimpy’s vision is to make long-term financial freedom accessible to everyone. Our customers are people just like us, looking to provide for their families, feel secure in their financial investments, and have achievable retirement goals. We aim to turn those goals into a reality with products, services, and support you can trust.

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How Investors Can Automate Their Crypto Tax Reporting

Cryptocurrency gains and losses tax reporting is a sensitive topic amongst traders. With a large number of rumors flying around, I thought it would be helpful to explain exactly how cryptocurrency gains and losses are taxed and discuss how traders using automated trading tools like Shimpy can automate the tax reporting process through the use of crypto tax software and crypto tax calculators like CryptoTrader.Tax.

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Binance.US Customers Can Now Trade With Shrimpy

The Shrimpy team is excited to announce the exchange has been integrated into our trading infrastructure for full access across all Shrimpy products!

Advanced Binance US customers can now access data and trading functionality through the Shrimpy Crypto Trading API. Execute smart order routing strategies, collect historical data, or access real-time websockets.

Additionally, professional traders can manage their portfolio across every major exchange and now by leveraging the Shrimpy Portfolio Management Service. Rebalance your assets, access real-time data, and analyze the market in a way which can maximize your portfolio.

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Rate Limits for the API Data Endpoints are Changing!

Pricing plans are NOT changing!

Let’s get that out of the way so there is no confusion. None of our pricing plans will change. All of the data endpoints are still free. The difference is you will now be required to send your public API key in order to access higher rate limits.

To prevent disruption of service, please follow the updated documentation in our developer APIs here. Start sending each of your data requests with the public API key in the header. That way you have a smooth transition to the new request format.

Keep reading to get all of your questions answered!

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